Install Theme via FTP
Follow the steps below to learn how to install theme via FTP
Step 1: Login to your hosting space via an FTP software
Step 2: Unzip the Amy Petcare file and only use the extracted Amy Petcare folder
Step 3: Upload the extracted Amy Petcare folder into wp-content => Theme folder
Step 4: Activate the newly installed theme by going to Appearance => Themes and click on Activate button to activate theme
Install Theme via WordPress
Follow the steps below to learn how to install theme via WordPress
Step 1: From backend, go to Appearances => Themes => Add New button, click on Upload button at the top of the page
Step 2: Click on Choose File to choose theme from your local computer, the file requirement is zip format. Press Install Now button to install theme.
Step 3: Wait for few seconds, the theme will be uploaded and extracted automatically by WordPress. After this process complete, you only need to press on
Activate link under the message for successful installed theme.
Once you ativate Amy Petcare, you will receive notification message to install plugins. Follow the steps of Plugins Installation part below to learn how to do this
Plugin Installation
How to install required and recommended plugins for Amy Petcare
Step 1: Once you activate Amy Petcare, you will receive a notification message at the top of the screen that shows you which are required plugins and which are recommended plugins for theme.
Step 2: Click on Begin Install Plugins link under the message to go to Plugin’s list in which you can install and activate the required and recommended plugins. Tick on the box for plugins you wish to install => Click on Bulk Action to see drop-down list => Install => Apply button
Important: Required plugins are compulsory plugins to make Amy Petcare work.
Step 3: Wait for some seconds, after all of the plugin is installed, from Dashboard => Plugins, you will activate the plugins as you want.
Installing Demo Content
By One-Click Demo, you are easy to set up a site the same as Amy Petcare's demo in seconds with all three home pages content
Important: Before installing demo, you need to make sure that Amy Petcare theme and required plugins (Amy Petcare Extends, AmyTheme Framework and Visual Composer, WooCommerce) are installed and activated successfully
From Dashboard => Handamde Theme => Demo Content => Click on Install button, a popup will appear to ask if you want to continue installing the demo content. Click on OK button if you want to continue. Please wait for some seconds, once the installing process is completed, you will see the message Demo's Installed
Blog Settings
This section allows you to set up the global settings for your blog page as well as your single blog pages.
From Dashboard => Petcare Theme => Blog.
Click on Save button to save any your change.
Typography Settings
From Dashboard => Petcare Theme => Typography => click on Add New Typography button to add new typography for new parts
- » Title: Enter the title for the part you want to change typography. For example, enter "Menu Typography" to add typography for Menu.
- » Select: Enter class or ID of elements you want to change typography.
- » Font Family: Choose the font you want.
- » Font Size: Enter font size (by pixel), it's optional.
- » Line Height: Enter line height (by pixel), it's optional.
- » Custom CSS: Custom CSS for this element, it's optional.
Click on Save button to save any your changes.
WooCommerce General Settings
This section allows you to set the number columns of products at shop page, and more.
From Dashboard => Petcare Theme => WooCommerce
Social Settings
This section allows you adding the social network link (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest and more).
From Dashboard => Petcare Theme => WooCommerce
Demo Content
This option allows you to install or uninstall demo content by some clicks.
From Dashboard => Petcare Theme => Demo Content.
You can visit Demo Installation to get the detail guide for this part.
Module Settings
Amy Petcare offers you 4 great module for the copyright section.
1. Text module
TText module allows you to show the normal text with icon at the copyright section.
From Dashboard => PetCare Theme => Footer => Copyright section => click on Add New Module button to add Text module to Copyright Left and Copyright Right section
Text module settings
2. Link module
From Dashboard => PetCare Theme => Footer => Copyright section => click on Add New Module button to add Link module to Copyright Left and Copyright Right section
Link module settings
3. Menu module
Menu module allows you to add a menu to the copyright section.
Firstly, from Dashboard => Appearance => Menus, you will create the menus as you want.
From Dashboard => PetCare Theme => Footer => Copyright section => click on Add New Module button to add Menu module to Copyright Left and Copyright Right section
Menu module settings
4. Social module
You can add the list of social icons at the copyright section
Firstly, from Dashboard => Appearance => Social, add the link for each social network channel. Social Module will get the data from the Social section of Theme Options.
From Dashboard => PetCare Theme => Footer => Copyright section => click on Add New Module button to add Social module to Copyright Left and Copyright Right section
Social module settings
How To
This section guildes all the things you need to create for your petcare websites. Here you will learn how to create new posts, products, testimonials and how to set up a homepage.
Portfolio Settings
1. How to add new project category
From Dashboard => Portfolios => Categories => Enter the category’s name.
2. How to add new portfolio project
From Dashboard => Portfolios => Add New
Enter the title for this portfolio project and edit the project URL.
Enter the project description.
Enter the portfolio project detail
- » Client name: Enter the client name
- » Date Completion: Enter the date when this project is completed.
- » Gallery: Click on Add Gallery button to add gallery for your project.
Choose the categories for your project. You can select multiple categories for each project.
Set image thumbnail for your project.
After all, click on Publish button.
Add/ Edit testimonials
1. Add a new testimonial category
From Dashboard => Testimonials => Categories => Enter the category’s name at the Name option => click on Add New Category button to save and if you want you can continue to add new categories.
2. Add new or edit testimonials from backend
From Dashboard => Testimonials => Add New
Enter the client’s name
Enter the client’s testimonials
Set up client’s detail information (client’s avatar, email, position, company, website, the number of star rating..
Choose the category for testimonials.
How To Create Homepage
By default, WordPress sets blog page as a home page for your website. Almost of time, it is not what you want, so in this guide, you can learn how to create and set up a special homepage for your site.
Build up a page by Visual Composer
From Dashboard => Pages => Add New
After all, click on Publish button
Set up Front Page
From Dashboard => Settings => Reading, you can set homepage by following the steps of the screenshot below.
Amy Tabs
Amy Tabs allows you to easily add and edit your tabs and you can add elements into each tabs as you wish. Follow the steps below to learn how Amy Tabs works
» Step 1: Amy Tabs General setting
At this step, you can learn how to set the position of tab and choose active tab
From the green bar
=> click on
button to make general setting on Tab
» Step 2: Child Tab settings
You can edit tab name or add element into child tabs at yellow bar
- 2.1. Edit tab name
Click on tab you want to edit => click
button at yellow bar , a popup will appear and you can change the tab name as you want
- 2.2. Add content for each tab
Each tab will show diferent content. To do this: click on the tab you want to add elements and click Plus icon at the yellow bar to choose elements like the image below
» Step 3: Click Save button to save any your change
Please visit the GIF image helow to know about the tab settings.
Amy Petcare Blog
Amy Petcare Blog allows you to display your blog posts with one modern unique style and order the posts as you want
At the backend you can see
On the front-end you can see
Amy Petcare Heading
Amy Petcare Heading help you easy to customize the block’s heading (the color, font size of heading and subheading).
At the backend you can see
On the frontend you can see
Amy Petcare Info List
If Info List of Ultimate Shortcode doesn’t meet your expectation, you can use the custom Amy Petcare Info List shortcode with 2 nice layouts.
Layout 1
1. General Settings
2. Item Settings
With the layout #1, there are 5 items by default
The settings will be the same for the other items
On the front-end you can see
Layout 2
1. General Settings
2. Item Settings
With the layout #1, there are 3 items by default
The settings will be the same for the other items
On the front-end you can see
Amy Petcare Single Member
Amy Petcare Single Member shortcode will help you showing the general information of each team member in the single member page.
At the backend you can see
On the frontend you can see
Product Carousel
Product Carousel shortcode helps you to show the products in the carousel style.
1. General Settings
2. Layout Options
3. Slide Settings
4. Extra Settings
After all, click on Save button to save any your change.
On the front-end you can see
Amy Petcare Skill
Amy Petcare Skill shortcode help you to add the skill of the team member in a progress bar. Fistly, you will add the Amy Petcare Skill shortcode, then click on plus button to add each skill.
At the backend, you can see
On the front-end, you can see
Amy Petcare Schedule
Amy Petcare Schedule shortcode will help showing the working schedule of your team or each team member.
1. Amy Petcare Schedule General settings
At this section, you can add the extra class for the shortcode, and it is optional
2. Amy Petcare Item Settings
You can add the as many items as you want for the schedule. An item will include the title and content
At the backend you can see
On the front-end you can see
Amy Petcare Team
Amy Petcare Team allows you to display the list of team member in a three nice layouts.
1. Amy Petcare Team General Settings
At this section, you will change the general layout for the list team member block as well as enter the extra class.
2. Amy Petcare Team Member Settings
At this section, you can change the general information for each team member and insert the link of detail page for each team member.
At the backend you can see
On the front-end you can see
Amy Petcare Testimonials
You can create the testimonial from backend with client’s name, quote, avatar, position, and Amy Petcare Testimonials shortcode allows you to show the list of those testimonials.
1. General Settings
Get Data From Categories
If you decide to get data from Testimonial IDs, you are able to choose each testimonial you want to show
2. Layout Options
3. Slide Options
4. Extra Settings
Amy Portfolio List
1. General Settings
2. Layout Options
3. Extra Settings
On the front-end you can see
Amy Petcare List
Amy Petcare List helps you showing the the list of blog posts on the widget area.
From Dashboard => Appearance => Widgets, you will drag and drop Amy Petcare List to any widget area you want to display.
Amy Petcare Module
Amy Petcare Module allows you to add one of these 5 module: About module, Advertising module, Contact Form module, Social List module, Instagram module. And Link module.
1. “About” module
About module allows you to add some text with a banner like a short introduction of your company or your website.
From Dashboard => Appearance => Widgets, you will drag and drop Amy Petcare Module to any widget area you want to display, then choose About for Type option.
On the front-end you can see
2. Instagram module
With Instagram module you are easy to show the image from an instagram account.
Contact module allows you to show some information about your address, phone and email and more,,,, so that visitor can be easier to contact you if they need.
From Dashboard => Appearance => Widgets, you will drag and drop Amy Petcare Module to any widget area you want to display, then choose Instagram for Type option.
At the backend you can see
On the frontend, you can see
3. Advertising module
Advertising Module allows you to add advertising banner and insert a link into it
From Dashboard => Appearance => Widgets, you will drag and drop Amy Petcare Module to any widget area you want to display, then choose Adverising for Type option.
4. Social List module
This module will get data from Social section of theme options. Therefore, firstly, from backend, you need to go to Petcare Theme => Social => enter the social link there
From Dashboard => Appearance => Widgets, you will drag and drop Amy Petcare Module to any widget area you want to display, then choose Social List for Type option => Clicking on Add New Social button to add new social.
On the frontend, you can see
5. Link module
From Dashboard => Appearance => Widgets, you will drag and drop Amy Petcare Module to any widget area you want to display, then choose Link for Type option => Clicking on Add New Social button to add new social.
Amy Petcare Slide
Amy Petcare Slide helps you showing the blog post on the widget area with the slide style.
From Dashboard => Appearance => Widgets, you will drag and drop Amy Petcare Slide to any widget area you want to display.
At the backend you can see
On the frontend, you can see
Amy Testimonials
This widget allows you to show the testimonials on the sidebar or widget area. You can show testimonials based on the categories, or you can decide which testimonials will be shown by enter the testimonials IDs
From Dashboard => Appearance => Widgets, you will drag and drop Amy Petcare Testimonials to any widget area you want to display.
At the backend you can see
Amy Tabs Widget
This widget allows you to add Tabs into sidebar. The setting of Amy Tabs widget is different from the setting of Amy Tabs shortcode. At Amy Tabs widget settings, you need to add another Sidebar/ Widget Area into and each widget of that Sidebar/ Widget Area will show tab’s name and tab’s content
Step 1: Create a new widget area and add the widgets into it. You can ignore this step if you want to use the current sidebar/ widget area
Step 2: From Dashboard => Appearance => Widgets, you will drag and drop Amy Petcare Testimonials to any widget area you want to display
Step 3:At the AmyTabs widget setting => Sidebar option, you will choose a sidebar/ widget area from the list => then click on Save button immediately.
Step 4: After save the AmyTabs settings => click on Widgets option to choose the widgets of the sidebar you have just chosen
Social Settings
This section allows you adding the social network link (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest and more).
From Dashboard => Petcare Theme => WooCommerce